Mental health

Television, movies and mental health - Christian perspective

Tauranga mental health blog

One crime show after another scheduled night after night on television. Barely, a movie to watch at the cinemas free from violence, foul language, or debauchery. Witchery, horror, voodoo, evil, darkness, darkness and more darkness.

I have not attempted to study the correlation between filling our minds with evil and state of mental health. As usual there will be 'experts' on both sides of the debate with their own take.

My hunch, based on common sense and scripture, is that it can't be good for someone's mental health to be constantly exposed to darkness and evil. What do you think? And do you think it would be fitting for a Christian to watch such stuff?

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4:8-9


A derelict drunk and paranoid schizophrenic got his life back

Tauranga Mental Health Blog - Alcoholic's Anonymous and keeping close to God

Many years ago I helped write my friend Michael's incredible story about his overcoming severe alcohol addiction, debilitating schizophrenia and his having recovered from Parkinson's disease and losing his mind. You can read his story at Church of God (7th day's) Now what?. There he shared how Alcoholic's Anonymous (AA) and keeping in contact with God saved his life.

I am pleased to report that 15 years later Michael has never relapsed in the time I have known him. He still keeps life simple, prays and walks and maintains good relationships with his small circle of friends.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

A Christian Perspective on Mental Health


Mental health in Tauranga Blog

Below are the contents of an interactive devotional Christian book entitled 'A life truly worth living - God's perfect peace plan for your mental well-being'. For anyone struggling with mental health in Tauranga or NZ the book is available for free, including postage. 

The book's blurb says:

When the problems of life overwhelm us we are sometimes plunged into a darkness from which we can see no escape. However, a bright new dawn awaits. There is a perfect peace plan for your mental well-being and a life truly worth living. It’s going to take faith, but as you actively reflect on the breadth and wonder of God’s plan through this interactive book you’ll learn how God’s way offers real hope.



1 Effective tools for overcoming fear, anxiety and other destructive emotions   

2 A solution to worthlessness and lack of identity

3 Supernatural strength (God’s) to deal with things human resources (including your own) have failed to resolve

4 A solution to guilt

5 A loving family

6 Daily purpose and activities that can keep you meaningfully occupied and bring joy and satisfaction

7 Exciting long-term dream to look forward to and to motivate you to endure life’s trials and troubles

8 A special restful day of the week to look forward to every week

9 A helpful framework or philosophy for understanding why the world is like it is and for believing why violence and suffering will finally end one day

10 Wise proverbs and teachings for ongoing healthy and happy living

11 Accountability to a loving God

12 Power over satanic/demonic influences on the mind

13 The greatest leader, saviour and role model ever [



Whatever your mental state is; no matter how hopeless things seem; there is hope in God. There is tremendous help in Christ and the Holy Spirit. God never intended for you to be defeated by your circumstances. It wasn’t God’s plan for your emotions or physiology to overwhelm you. Jeremiah recorded this great assurance from God to His people, which I am sure is still true today:

 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Glance again at the thirteen-fold peace package for your mental and emotional well-being summarised above in the Table of Contents. Notice how truly it speaks to your personal needs. Notice also how far reaching it is. God has provided you a wonderful plan for your peace and happiness. He knows what He is doing. 

If you still need faith to rely on God's way, just ask, seek and knock. You will receive and find, and doors will be opened unto you. You will discover a life truly worth living through God’s perfect peace plan for your mental well-being.

For more, see the full book at and feel free to communicate with David at if you want encouragement for your situation.