Worship and Fellowship With Us Every Saturday at 70 Pooles Road, Greerton, at the St James Church.

Services begins just after 10.30am.

Bible study starts about 12.30pm (contact us beforehand if you want to know the topic)

Pastor David Kidd can re reached on 02041283124

G – Believing that the Gospel of Christ crucified & resurrected and God’s Grace is sufficient to unite us in love

O – Overcoming offence with forbearing and forgiving love

D – Deepening our love for our brethren by getting to know them all well

S – Sacrificially loving our brothers and sisters in Christ

L – Learning God’s laws of love by reading our Bibles everyday

O – Opening up our hearts to reach out in love to the hurting and lost

V – Venturing out of our comfort zones in the strength of the Holy Spirit for love’s sake

E – Encouraging and exhorting one another to each be the masterpiece God designed us to be

A worship service, during which there will be a special children’s song or short lesson (children will also have separate 35-40 minute lesson during sermon), will be followed by a tea break and Bible study. The programme varies on the 3rd and last Sabbath of the month when there is no Bible study, but an extended church service and a shared lunch.

Please contact David on 0204-1283-124 or at churchofgodslove4@gmail.com

As Jesus brought joy to the lives of the sick, hurting, poor and the spiritually lost, God will use each of us to do the same.  

Jesus said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive".   Acts 20:35

The Apostle Paul wrote: "And let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful". Titus 3:14

Church of God’s Love (Church of God 7th Day NZ) would love to expand beyond Tauranga. If you live in NZ and are interested in helping us establish a church in your area we would love to hear from you and would love to support you in building a branch if we share the common vision of building a church intensely focused on Jesus Christ and the gospel meeting on Sabbath. We rely on no other founding prophet’s writings, just the Bible and the Bible alone. If you are not interested in forming a branch of our church, but have a similar vision for your church to us, it would be great to hear from you and establish a close connection/bond. We pray you will partner with us and do a great gospel work in New Zealand.