Vision Statement
A church centred on loving God (1) as He desires by heartfelt obedience, (2) loving each other as Christ loved us, and (3) committed locally to compassionately sharing the gospel message of God’s love while putting it into action by hand’s and heart’s-on help.
Going the extra mile for God, each other and the community.
Sending out of the 70 - Another Master-Class From Jesus (Peace to this House) Pt 3 18/1/25 David Kidd
Our first impressions as believers, hospitality, gratefulness for hospitality, being worthy as a labourer in the gospel, having a special peace to impart and not teaching against God's law just some of the subjects addressed.
The Purpose of the Visible Church 11/1/25 Aidan Taitt
Knowing and fulfilling our purposes is vital.
Lambs among wolves. Another Masterclass From Jesus - Go to Grow Pt2 4/1/25 David Kidd
Jesus said, Behold! Go as lambs among wolves into the harvest - ‘seemingly’ defenseless. Are you serious, how's that a master-classJesus? Go to grow despite risk of danger relying on Christ and the many layers of wisdom in His words. Your life will never be the same and you will become the kind of person you've always admired.
Another Master Class From Jesus - Go to Grow! (Sending the 70 out) Pt1 David Kidd 21/1/24
Jesus' ways are higher than our ways. He knows best how to grow His disciples. Want to grow? There's special insight for YOU here!
Are you a 'Do All to the Glory of God Person’? - Psalm 98 David Kidd 14/12/24
What is it that's important to God you are telling yourself you can't do to His glory? Singing, evangelizing, fasting, group prayer, giving generously etc. Find inspiration and strength as a Christian to do it! God has done such marvelous things for all the world to see that you can surely give your life to Him if you have not yet done so.
A People With a Great Purpose 7/12/24 Aidan Taitt
We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, His own special people that we may proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light!
Why does God Love Me So? 30/11/24 Aidan Taitt
Why does God love us when we have become so unholy compared to Him? The reasons for God's love for us, particularly the church, with all of our imperfections are brought into sharp focus to encourage us in our lives. We are His handiwork, we are the place where HIs values are found and exhibited, we've been given a powerful transformative nature to benefit the world, and we are the representation of Christ on earth. Therefore He loves us.
The Staggering Nature of God 23/11/24 Aidan Taitt
A sermon presentation geared toward understanding the nature of God from the perspective of his providence, sustenance and His eternality!
Your Faith and the Way You Live 16/11/24 David Kidd
How does your faith affect the way you live? Does it take you to the extreme as Paul's faith and the faith of the patriarchs mentioned in Hebrews 11 did? Five important reasons are shared which will deepen your faith in God and the Bible as His inerrant Word.
Joining God in His Glorious Reign - Psalm 93 Pt1 - 9/11/24 David Kidd
God's reign is portrayed in Psalm 93 as glorious, majestic, eternal, powerful, secure, and holy. So why is the world in such a mess? This sermon will help you see God's reign is really and truly all these things. You are invited to join in His reign as a ROYAL priest.
The Gibeonites - Necessary and Acceptable Atonement 26/10/24 David Kidd
Many valuable life lessons are shared from the Gibeonite's story and the special atonement of Christ shines through.
Lessons from the Demon-Possessed 19/10/24 David Kidd
The demoniac of Mark 5 was delivered from a 'hellish' situation of demon possession. He fully appreciated the great deliverance he experienced from Christ and wanted to be with Him everywhere He went. But do you realize Christ has accomplished a greater deliverance for ALL of us? Will we respond as the demon-delivered man did?
Team Building & Feasts 12/10/24 David Kidd
Way too many Christians come to our church and perhaps yours, but soon go off somewhere else. The feast of tabernacles (Sukkot) is to be celebrated next week by many Jews and some Christians. The feast has a lot to say to us today as Christians about bonding with each other, although that was not the primary purpose of the festival. This sermon is a strong challenge to us and all believers to avail ourselves to be built up into a unified and productive team for God's glory. Let's shut the back door to our church with true Christian love!
Please note: The fun that was had in the sermon whilst discussing the feast of tabernacles was not to mock those who celebrate some aspects of it (not including the sacrifices, offerings etc), but it was just to educate about the feast in a fun way to keep my congregation's attention. Sorry for any possible offence caused. Although the proper observance of these feasts is not practiced today we recognize that some Christians find great meaning and encouragement in celebrating aspects of them.
Huge things in our lives AFFECTING ETERNITY - Pt9 - Obedience 5/10/24 David Kidd
Are you 'all ear' to God? Your eternity depends on it. This sermon will convict the conscience of some, but offer great hope. (Pt8 was not filmed. It was a sharing service about Evangelism)
HUGE things in our lives Affecting Eternity Pt7 - Pursuing Peace & Holiness 21/9/24 David Kidd
"Pursue peace with all men and holiness, Without which, no one shall see the Lord" Hebrews 12:14
HUGE things in our lives Affecting Eternity Pt6 - Self-control 14/9/24 David Kidd
This sermon is a HOW TO sermon - how to have have self-control.
Sorry, the first 10 minutes missing, but you can hear the missing part if you look at the youtube live version at
Huge Things ... AFFECTING ETERNITY Pt5 - When Prophecy is a Salvation Issue 7/9/24 David Kidd
There are so many different interpretations of Bible prophecy. How can we avoid being deceived or being a deceiver, and guard against Bible prophecy being a salvation issue in our own lives? This sermon's contextual approach to Jesus' Olivet prophecy found in Luke 21, Matthew 24 and Mark 13 may challenge your understanding of it and cause you to reconsider ideas that may be false and dangerous and potentially relevant to your eternity.
HUGE Things in Our Lives Today AFFECTING ETERNITY Pt4 - Knowing Christ 24/8/24 David Kidd
John 17:3 says, And THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE, that we may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. Do you know them and how do you know you know them? Can you know them more deeply?
HUGE Things in Our Lives AFFECTING ETERNITY - Pt 3 Agape Love17/8/24 David Kidd
The greatest love in heaven and earth is preached. The truth in this sermon will challenge you deeply, but change you and others for ever if the Holy Spirit empowers you.
HUGE Things in Our Lives AFFECTING ETERNITY - Pt 2 Fellowship 10/8/24 David Kidd
We know we have passed from death to life because we ... What does 1 John 3:14 say?
HUGE Things in Our Lives AFFECTING ETERNITY Pt1 - Forgiveness
Is our Christian duty to forgive as simple as 'just forgive'? What about Jesus words in Luke 17:3 saying rebuke your brother who sins against you and IF he repents forgive him?
We also all need God's forgiveness through Christ to experience eternity.
Courage and Great Achievement Through Immanuel 20/7/24 David Kidd
Courage for God's people by the bucket loads. Be inspired today to be courageous!
A People of Great Courage Pt 2 13/7/24 David Kidd (Daniel 3)
Ready to have your courage tested to the max? Be inspired by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. God will be greatly blessed, the people of God will be greatly blessed and you will be too if you are courageous for God as these three young men were.
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A People of Great Courage 6/7/24 David Kidd (Daniel 3)
So many of us as Christians lack courage and are cowardly, but not Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who showed great courage IN Babylon. Let their courage inspire you to walk in the courageous spirit God has supplied us with. Pray earnestly for courage because these are difficult times for Christians and the church. Without courage we as individuals and the church as a body are in great danger of spiritual ruin. However, a courageous people of God will see the church thrive.
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Inspired to Build By the Glory of God David Kidd 22/6/24
What transformed disobedient Israelites in the wilderness to be highly successful in their remarkable building project for God - building the tabernacle? What will cause us to be successful in. building up the church and the Kingdom of God?
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The Highest Meaning of Humility 15/6/24 David Kidd
This sermon may make you realize you are less humble than you thought you were, or perhaps more humble than you thought you were. In Christ, we see the truest meaning of humility. Having humility like Christ will bless your life more than you could ever imagine.
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Be Ready for Jesus' Return 8/6/24 David Kidd
In Matthew 24:45-51 Jesus focuses on just one aspect of readiness. Are you ready for HIs coming?
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Nathanael - You Will See Greater Things 1/6/24 David Kidd
Like Nathanael, you will see greater things than you have ever seen if you can have faith like him. Sometimes it feels like our faith is running on the smell of an oily rag, but you are urged in this sermon to continue in faith and you will see great, great things. In this sermon I share about a miracle I experienced recently.
Note & Check: Nathanael may be an alternative name for Bartholomew, one of the 12 disciples. This view is widely held.
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The Ascension & Holy Spirit Power 18/5/24 David Kidd
You've heard sermons about the crucifixion. You've heard sermons about the resurrection, but have you heard a sermon about the ascension of Christ? Find out what was very important to Jesus just before He returned to sit at the right hand of God. Is it also very important to you? Find out about the greatest blessing you can have.
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Who Am I? 4/5/24 David Kidd
There is an Old Testament character whose life mirrors Christ's in a far greater way than perhaps you knew or could even imagine. Find out who it is and the key for him getting through the worst life could possible throw at anybody. Marvel at how we can experience the story of Jesus before Jesus even walked on the Earth.
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Lest we Forget Calvary 20/4/24 David Kidd
Are you remembering Jesus how He said He wanted to be remembered?
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Jesus Washes Feet! 13/4/24 David Kidd
Mark Twain said 'Action speaks louder than words, but not nearly as often.' The night before Jesus' crucifixion He did the unthinkable and His actions spoke volumes about how much He loved His disciples and how much He loves all of us. May His love strengthen, motivate and encourage you as you listen to this sermon.
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We Reap What We Sow 6/4/24 David Kidd
What is Karma? Is the concept of Karma in the Bible? This sermon explores the difference between the Bible's concept in Galatians 6 of reaping what we sow and Karma. There's strong encouragement not to lose heart as a Christian for we shall reap everlasting life. There's great encouragement for the 'not yet' Christian to avoid reaping corruption and God's wrath. The church in Galatia were in danger of mocking and insulting God's grace, as are many who think their own goodness, good works or obedience to God will justify them in God's sight. Eternal life with God is by grace through faith, not through our own works. It's God's loving gift to us purchased by the blood of Christ! If you died today, would you reap everlasting life with God?
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The Obsolete Covenant & the Obsolete You Pt 2 23/3/24 David Kidd
Last time we saw a sense in which the First/Old Covenant, although made obsolete at the cross, was still in the process of becoming obsolete. Likewise, our old selves were declared obsolete when we were born again and received the benefits of Christ's atoning blood, yet there is a sense in which we are still becoming obsolete. There is still a war going on between our new spiritual self and our old carnal self. The battle is described and the way to victory explained. Finally, the Hebrews were told the first covenant was ready to vanish away and this happened when the workplace of the priestly mediators of that covenant (the Jerusalem temple) was desecrated and destroyed, when Jerusalem was destroyed and Israel’s people scattered to all nations just as Jesus prophesied in Luke 21. The good news for us is there will be no more obsoleteness in us the day Jesus returns and this mortal puts on immortality. Death will be obsolete, sorrow will be obsolete and pain will be no more! It will finally vanish away.
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The Obsolete Covenant and the Obsolete You Pt1 16/5/24 David Kidd
Are you ever made to feel obsolete or do you have a tendency to hold on to obsolete things, rather than going for the new superior model? In Hebrews 8:13 we read that the Mosaic covenant was made obsolete, was becoming obsolete and was about to vanish away. Just as the first/old covenant was made obsolete, the old self of the Christian has been made obsolete. The listener is invited to accept Christ so they will never become obsolete, to fully embrace their new creation status in Christ and to fully embrace the New Covenant and it’s more powerful operating system, no longer feeling obligated to observe obsolete Old Testament practices which no longer apply in this glorious post-cross time of reformation.
Although some OT practices have been made obsolete because Christ has fulfilled them, we understand how some Christians feel they gain benefit from practicing them to some extent. We urge caution though.
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The Ten Commandments, the Bad news & the Good news 12/3/24 David Kidd
There's great hope for those who can humbly acknowledge they have broken and do break the Ten Commandments.
Sermonette at Bernadette Aged Care Home
*Note Matthew 28:1 in the KJV and some other translations suggest Jesus may have risen just as the day was changing from the seventh day to the first day of the week. In any event, His tomb was discovered to be empty on the 1st day, Sunday.
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Anna the Prophetess - Opportunities and blessings for the devout 2/3/24 David Kidd
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Sayings of Jesus from the Cross - Woman behold your son ... Behold your mother 17/2/24 David Kidd
Do you need strength to love God and man when your life is very hard or very sad? Find strength in Christ. The way He died with dignity is a great inspiration for us all.
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There is a God in heaven who ... Daniel 2:24-45 Pt2 David Kidd
King Nebuchadnezzar was all ears to Daniel after he was able to tell what his dream was. In this sermon, you will see how the Bible in Daniel predicted very significant things to follow in world history. May we be all ears to God's Word (the Bible), because it's absolutely amazing how it 'impossibly' predicts the future. All things though are possible with the God of heaven who now dwells with man through the Spirit.
POST-SERMON DISCUSSION A couple of clarifications came from post-sermon discussion. I mentioned empires after Rome that were larger in land area or larger in world population proportion because I see this as a challenge to the dispensational view of the feet of iron and clay being a postponed, but revived Roman Empire at the time just before Christ's Second coming. In King Nebuchadnezzar's dream addressed in Daniel 2, there were only to be four world Kingdoms/Empires before the v44 kingdom of God was to be set up. If the kingdom of God Daniel was referring to in v44 was postponed, then Daniel's vision and interpretation were inaccurate because there have already been more than four major secular kingdoms. There have been many larger in land area or population proportion since Rome. However, if the kingdom was not postponed (which I believe), the dream and Daniel's interpretation of there being four kingdoms, BEFORE the God of heaven sets up His indestructible kingdom, are prophetically accurate. God's kingdom, headed by Christ, was indeed set up in the days of the Roman Empire.
One reason why I did not say the Anglo-Saxons, Goths, etc, who emerged when the Roman Empire fell in about 476 AD, were the 10 toes (or Daniel 7's ten horns) was because God did NOT set up a kingdom in their days.
I did not have time to address Daniel 7, a very similar dream which adds some extra details, including the little horn. To see how Daniel 7 can be reconciled with the view I presented today, please listen to Steve Gregg's exposition of Daniel 7 at Today's sermon was very closely aligned with Steve Gregg's Daniel 2 sermon, also found at the same place.
One person post-sermon questioned whether the feet of iron and clay were a different kingdom. Verses 41-43 address this. I believe these verses are just showing the division and instability in the Roman Empire. They are not talking about a fifth kingdom. I think this can be clearly seen by reviewing v40-43. Notice the iron (representing the Roman Empire) mixed with clay, making it weak. There is much historical evidence of instability and division in the Roman Empire. 'Mingling with the seed of men but not adhering to one another' (v43) is in the text to show the division and fragility of the Roman Empire, which like all kingdoms (except Christ's) ultimately falls apart no matter how much strength they have.
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There is a God in heaven who ... Daniel 2 Pt1 David Kidd 3/2/24
There is an Almighty God in heaven who is merciful, who will shape you into the glorious image of Christ and who will help you overcome seemingly impossible challenges just as He did for Daniel the prophet. The setting and interpretation of Daniel's dream will be expounded in this series.
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God's Will For You (and wonderful howevers) 27/1/24 David Kidd
Do you have any great plans for God? You do well if you do. Learn about God's will for you and learn some valuable lessons from God denying King David what was in his heart.
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Building a Great Temple in 2024 David Kidd 20/1/24
Be inspired to build a great temple for God in 2024 because our God is greater than all gods.
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Favourites 13/1/24 Ps Howard Simpson
The story of Joseph may give you a whole knew perspective on your life.
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One Day 30/12/23 Pastor Howard Simpson
One day in eternity,
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Don't let anyone lessen your blessin! David Kidd posted 23/12/23
Jesus blessed a lame man on the Sabbath by healing Him. The religious critics sought to lessen the man's blessing, detracted from the wonderful blessing of the Sabbath and sought to lower the blessedness of Christ. Don't let anyone, including yourself, lessen your blessin' in these areas!
This sermon was preached in about October 2023 and includes a brief defense of Sabbath observance today urging today's hearer not to miss enjoying God's Sabbath blessing.
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Being With the People of God NO MATTER WHAT!
16/12/23 David Kidd
Faith, compassion, the honour of knowing and serving God, and God's great reward strengthened and motivated Moses to be with the people of God no matter what! If you have these four things you too will truly be WITH the people of God no matter what!
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God's Perfect Knowledge of Us - Be in Awe (Psalm 139)
9/12/23 David Kidd
God knows everything about you. Is that a scary thought or a wonderful thought?
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Encouragement and Lessons from the Olive Tree 2/12/23 David Kidd
There is no tree so perfectly symbolizing the people of God as the olive tree. May its importance, fruitfulness, longevity, sufficiency, strength, indestructibility, regenerative ability and the purity of its extra-virgin oil encourage us to thrive as the people of God and to be ever-closer connected.
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Love Your Enemies - No Joke! (Luke 9:51-56) Pt 2 25/11/23 David Kidd
Jesus' followers, the apostle James and John, wanted to bring fire down from heaven to destroy the lives of people in a Samaritan village and they weren't joking! Jesus rebuked them and their lives were later wonderfully transformed by the Holy Spirit. There is power from God for our lives to be radically transformed too.
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Love Your Enemies - No Joke! (Luke 9:51-56) Pt 1 18/11/23 David Kidd
Sometimes we might wish Jesus was joking when he said, 'love your enemies.' but He wasn't!
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Spiritual Prepping - Take up your cross daily & follow Me 11/11/23
David Kidd
Self-denial, Sacrifice and Suffering (S.S.S.) for Christ are essential hallmarks of a true and mature disciple of Christ. The Christian who is taking up their cross daily for Christ NOW will be best placed to stand when terrible persecution or extreme circumstances come. Anyone who 'loves their life' will fail and lose their life, since they are not a true disciple of Christ.
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Spiritual Prepping - Be Still & Know I am God (Psalm 46) 4/11/23
David Kidd
Will you and I stand and stand together when extreme crisis hits? How does 'being still and knowing God is God’ help? What does that even mean?
We also had two Bible study sessions on many aspects to spiritual prepping for crises. These were not recorded, but we encourage you to look at this issue yourselves, individually and as a church group if you have your own fellowship group.
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No Commendation Needed 28/10/23 David Kidd (2 Corinthians 1:1-3)
Is it plainly evident to your family, friends brethren and God you are a true man or woman of God? Find out how to erase any doubt. Be a 'no commendation needed' person.
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Praying For Israel and the Middle East to Turn to Christ 21/10/23 David Kidd
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No Temptation You Can't Bear (with God) 14/10/23 David Kidd
1 Corinthians 10:13 says "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it'"
The key point of this verse is commonly ‘mashed up’! Be encouraged by what the Apostle Paul primarily meant by these words.
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Wonderful Things About Spiritual Gifts 7/10/23 David Kidd
God makes available to us incredibly wonderful gifts. In this sermon you will be inspired with a desire for them in your life and the church's life. You will also gain an insight into the gifts and abilities in our local Tauranga congregation.
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I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel 26/9/23 David Kidd
The gospel relates to us all. It's just as relevant 2000 years since Christ's death and resurrection. Hear just how amazingly relevant it is to all! Sermon given at Bernadette Aged Care Home where our church has a service most Tuesdays in Mount Maunganui.
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God's Perfect Peace Plan For Our Mental Well-Being David Kidd 23/9/23
There are great benefits for our mental health to be enjoyed from following God's great plan, but to receive them we must be 'All-In'.
David's book 'A life truly worth living - God's perfect peace plan for your mental well-being' is available on this web-site.
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Zechariah 7-8 Understanding What God is Like Toward His People
In the context of understanding what Zechariah 8 is about (a prophecy that has been given some very interesting interpretations) you will come to know a lot about what the true and living God is like toward His people.
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Speaking with Authority & Power David Kidd 16/9/23
Jesus spoke with authority and power. We can too. Find out how. Luke 4:31-37
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A Wisdom Test Pt 3 David Kidd 26/8/23
Are we wiser than ants? I hope so. Are we wiser than rock badgers and locusts? I hope so. Are we wiser than the exceedingly wise spider which grasps with its hands and is in king's palaces? I hope so too. Hear how wisdom will place on your head an ornament of grace and a crown of glory.
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A Wisdom Test Pt 2 David Kidd 19/8/23
How wise are you? Do four little creatures who are described in Proverbs 30:24-28 as exceedingly wise challenge us as to how wise we really are?
(sorry, the recording re part 1 failed)
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Soul food from Proverbs 25:2 5/8/23 David Kidd
Proverbs 25:2a says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter". I had to ask, why?
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Prophecy - When God visits 29/07/23 David Kidd
There was the silent inter-testamental period for about 400 years and the people of Israel were wondering 'where was God and why was He is silent?’ Suddenly, divine and angelic revelation broke out in an amazing way and God visited them and planet Earth in the most extraordinary way ever experienced in human history. Perhaps you feel God is silent too. If you search for God with all your heart, God will visit you too and do extraordinary things!
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Take the Higher Ground - Don't spit the dummy 22/7/23 David Kidd
Spitting the dummy (pacifier) is something babies do. Mature people keep their composure and focus in the face of adversity. Don't quit doing good even when others are criticizing, condemning or opposing you. Let Christ be your example and strength. Take the higher moral and spiritual ground, as He did.
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Give Me The Simple Life! 8/7/23 David Kidd
Hear about the beautiful simplicity and freedom of the Christian life and Christianity and how not to unnecessarily complicate your own life. Give me the simple life, not the sinful life!
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Christ's Love for the lost and ours 1/7/23 David Kidd
How much do you care that your loved ones and others are dying without Christ. What will happen to them? Be inspired to have Christ's attitude toward the perishing.
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Committed to Discipleship - Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry David Kidd 24/6/23
Learn something from Leo Blanco, a great Michael Jackson impersonator. For those who are not yet Christians this sermon shows what the essence of being a Christian is. Christians are reminded of this and hopefully will cast off out of focus ideas of what discipleship is.
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We're Royal Priests so let go of your life’s ‘what ifs’
Don't forget if you're a Christian, you're a priest, and a ROYAL one at that. Find out what's required of a priest. The physical nation Israel had a great destiny as royal priests and a holy nation, but because of their disobedience God had another great plan for us (and them). Find out why you can happily let go of your life's 'what ifs' if this destiny is yours.
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Rest for your souls 10/6/23 David Kidd
Find out the wonderful thing Jesus meant when He said He will give us rest for our souls. Do you want rest for your troubled soul? Jesus lays out three crucial steps for having this blessed rest in Matthew 11:28-30.
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Is God on your side? 3/6/23 David Kidd
Things can happen really fast if God is involved, whether He is for us or against us. This sermon looks at the remarkable prophecies of Nahum about the downfall of Nineveh. The archaeological discovery of Nineveh in the 19th century re-emphasized the trustworthiness of the Bible and left egg on the face of the naysayers. Learn more about this little known Bible book and cast aside your doubts about the Bible and whether God is on your side.
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Wilderness Wanderings No More 27/5/23 David Kidd
If you are an 'I WANT IT NOW!' person, Christ has much to offer you. Find out why the life of the Israelites in the Promised Land far better represents the life available to Christians today than their wilderness wanderings experience.
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Lord, help us overcome hate 20/5/23 Ian Ingoe
Jesus said if they hated Him they would hate us, his followers. Ian encourages us to stand firm and to be gentle with those who oppose us and to let the power of the Holy Spirit and the gospel awaken them to a new birth and glory.
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Freedom from Bondage and the Unpardonable Sin Pt2 13/5/23 David Kidd
This sermon covers some interesting theological issues surrounding the timing of Jesus setting up the kingdom that would never be destroyed (Daniel 2:44), Jesus binding the strong man and plundering His house and the meaning of the unpardonable sin. More edifying though is the graciousness of God toward our sin and the freedom from bondage he offers to all.
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A Grace of God Experience 6/5/23 David Kidd
Let God's persistent love, grace and mercy in the face of abominable rejection throughout the ages move you. For those struggling with rejection be encouraged by God's acceptance and amazing grace.
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Freedom From Bondage, and the Unpardonable Sin David Kidd 29/4/23
Matthew 12:22-26 sets the scene for Jesus' shocking announcement there is a sin that will never be forgiven. Clues are found in this context about what He meant, but so too in these few verses is found great wisdom for living and freedom from bondage.
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Valuing and Cherishing Our Faith 22/4/23 David Kidd
Find out why faith (and what kind of faith) is EVIDENCE of the unseen things we hope for. Smile if you have this faith. Earnestly desire it if you don't. Find out who God rewards.
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Kiss the Son (Psalm 2) Pt 2 8/4/23 David Kidd
The changing interpretations of this ancient Psalm in Judaism surely must bow to the reality of Christ being the 'Son' it refers to in its prophetic way. All attempts to deny or oppose Christ will ultimately be in vain as God has given His Son all authority in Heaven and Earth. The hearer is urged not to be associated with vanity, but rather to Kiss or come close to the Son of God and to trust completely in Him,
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Backsliding 1/4/23 Ian Ingoe
With many of us taking the Lord's Supper next week at the time coinciding with the Passover season when Jesus first took the bread and the wine with His disciples Ian gives us a strong and timely message to reflect on our position with Christ. Are we backsliding or on fire for Christ?
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Kiss the Son (Psalm 2) 25/3/23 David Kidd
'Why do the nations RAGE and the people plot a VAIN thing against the Lord and His anointed'? Why not instead worship and enjoy the Lord and kiss/embrace the Son?
Also, learn how sin is intimately connected with our emotions, such as rage, and learn the importance of being especially weary of sin whenever our emotions are stirred.
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Judge yourself lest you be judged (Lord's Supper) 18/3/23 David Kidd
If you are prepared for taking the Lord's Supper you are prepared for the Lord's Coming, should it occur today. If you're not prepared for the Second Coming today, you're not prepared to take the Lord's Supper. Hear why, as 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 is explored.
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Judge Not Lest you be Judged & Judgment Day 11/3/23 David Kidd
Do Not Judge NKJV (used by permission) 7 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Matthew 7
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Persuaded to believe 25/2/23 David Kidd
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Finding Peace of Mind (Philippians 4:8) 18/2/23 David Kidd
Essential instruction from the apostle Paul for having the peace of God and the God of peace in our lives.
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Two by Two into the Harvest (Sowing, Watering, Reaping) 12/2/23 David Kidd
You don't have to labour alone!
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The Ultimate Relationship, Compassion & Sabbath 4/2/22 David Kidd
Isaiah 58 connects compassionate living and honouring God's holy day (how He wants us to) with enjoying the ultimate relationship. Receive insight into delighting yourself in God and accept the invite.
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The Ultimate Relationship 28/1/23 David Kidd
Find out and be convicted and inspired about the the best thing you can ever experience now and for eternity.
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Hidden Mysteries Revealed 17/12/22 David Kidd
What eye has not seen, ear not heard and what has not even entered into the heart of man that God has prepared for those who love Him REVEALED!
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Nicodemus & Radical Transformation - The wonderful opportunity to start anew 10/12/22 David Kidd
Nicodemus, a respected religious figure in Israel, was told by Jesus he couldn't enter the kingdom of God unless he was born of the water and the Spirit. Nicodemus was amazed. There are some interesting theological points to consider in this sermon (such as what it means to be born of the water and the Spirit and whether you'd know if you'd been born again?). There's also a challenge for Christians to help those who really need a fresh start. If you are crying out for a radical change in your life, hear also about the wonderful opportunity you have to start anew with Christ. paste the link below into a browser to listen
Be Patient & Never Give Up 3/12/22 Ian Ingoe
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Remember Your Creator in Ministry While You Can (Eccl. 12) David Kidd
Ecclesiastes 12 contains an interesting poem about old age and dying. May we all appreciate the degree of youthfulness we still have and remember and serve God in the ways we still can before the difficult days come.
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Nicodemus and Finding Hope for Transformation 19/11/22 David Kidd
Perhaps you are negative about whether the change you want in your life can actually happen. Find hope in the story of Nicodemus and in the unwavering commitment God has toward you.
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Nicodemus & Recognising What Needs Transformation all Along our Life's Journey David Kidd 29/10/22
Everyone needs a radical transformation in their lives at some point if they are to be part of the Kingdom of heaven. Nicodemus, a highly respected religious leader was no exception. Even after entering the kingdom of God through faith, our need for transformation continues all along our life's spiritual journey. Becoming more and more like Christ, a key purpose God created us for, will inspire and challenge us till the day we die.
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How does God guide? 22/10/22 David Kidd
We are faced with important decisions everyday for which we seek guidance. We seek the guidance of a higher power. We seek God's guidance. Many seek guidance in ways that are often superstitious. A form of superstition has also crept into the way Christians commonly seek God's guidance. This sermon shares biblical truths from Derek Tindall's book How Does God Guide which will plant your feet on solid ground when it comes to making good decisions in everyday life.
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Beware of false prophets Pt2 8/10/22 David Kidd
Caution is recommended about the common interpretation of Matthew 24:14 and the gospel having to be preached in all the world before the end of the world can come. Hearers are urged to be wary of Bible prophecy teaching failing to give sufficient regard to the figurative and poetic. Finally, caution is suggested in relation to applying most or all of Matthew 24:1-34 to Christ's Second Coming and the end of the world in light of some interesting contrasts between Matthew 24:1-34 and the rest of the Olivet Discourse, including Matthew 25. Hearers are urged to be ready always and to especially check they are living the transformed born again life.
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Beware of False Prophets Pt1 (1/10/22) David Kidd
The date setters were at it again last week, but last week has been and gone without the events they predicted occurring. This sermon will give you good reasons to be wary of date setters and very common end time teachings about the second coming, the Olivet Discourse, the 70th week of Daniel Nine's prophecy, post-millennialism and the alleged Sunday law. Listen up and learn what you NEED TO KNOW about End Times.
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Understanding Life's Spiritual Realities (2 Kings 6:8-23) 24/9/22 D Kidd
Keeping your spiritual glasses on will make all the difference in your life.
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God's Unmistakable Fingerprint on the Bible (Psalm 22) 17/9/22 D Kidd
When reading Psalm 22, written about 1000 years before Christ, the thoughts of many are turned toward the life of Christ, but particularly the most important events in human history so far - His crucifixion and resurrection. If you can't see God's unmistakable fingerprint on the Bible in this Psalm you need to pray for God to open your eyes!
Keeping your spiritual glasses on will make all the difference in your life.
The Essential Vision of God Whaid Rose Jan, 2020
Isaiah 6
God's tolerance of evil runs out (Daniel 8) David Kidd
There comes a time when God's tolerance of evil runs out. This may be encouraging to you to know this or it may not be because of sin. The meaning of Daniel 8 is expounded in this context. Understanding the historical context and fulfillment of this prophecy is also very important so as to avoid false beliefs that have developed from this prophecy, particularly the false teachings that the 2300 days extended to 1844, that the heavenly sanctuary was cleansed then and an investigative judgment began. Please contact us if you would like an excellent article on this subject.
Stop Sitting on the Fence - Take your stand for God (Daniel 6) 3/9/22 David Kidd
Be inspired by Daniel, a true man of God, to take your stand for God .
David, a man after God's own heart - Nearer to God by meditating on Him (Psalm 147) 27/8/22 David Kidd
Are you meditating upon God? This was a very special thing David, Job and others in the Bible did which demonstrated they had a very close and special relationship with God. This sermon on Psalm 147 aims to help you enhance your personal relationship with God and to feel greatly blessed in doing so.
Believing in God in the face of suffering 20/8/22 David Kidd
If you struggle with the existence of God in light of the terrible suffering He allows, or if you know someone who is struggling with this and you want to try to help them, some of the thoughts shared in this sermon may be helpful.
David a Man After God's Own Heart - A lover of God's law 13/8/22 D Kidd
An important part of the 'man after God's own heart' shines extraordinarily brightly in Psalm 119. If you hear God's voice in today's sermon it will change your life forever.
'And as many as touched Him were healed' Mark 6:53-56 David Kidd
Be in awe of Jesus' healing ministry and its vast extent. Be uplifted to seek Jesus for your own personal healing, whether it be physical or otherwise. Be inspired by the people who brought others to Christ for healing. Christian, ponder the question - how is your own healing ministry going, whether it be related to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual healing?
Who can stand when Christ appears? Malachi 3:1-5 30/7/22 David Kidd
A remarkable prophecy about Christ's coming is expounded verse by verse. The Bible's pedigree for foretelling the future once more is seen to be par excellence. Will you stand or endure another yet future coming of Christ and the terrifying judgment to be executed on the Earth?
To be Led by the Holy Spirit Pt 2 23/7/22 David Kidd
This two part sermon looks at how to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.
Paul’s heart for the Philippians 9/7/22 Whaid Rose
There was no recorded sermon in Tauranga 16/6/22. We recommend the sermons at Newton Church of God 7th Day
To be Led by the Holy Spirit 9/7/22 David Kidd
This two part sermon looks at how to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.
Peter, John and Us Glorifying God in Life and in Death (John 21:18-25 ) 2/7/22 David Kidd
Peter resolved to follow Jesus after Jesus prophesied he'd suffer a horrible death. Jesus prophesied about John's future too and was misunderstood to say John would not die! Interesting evidence in and outside the Bible relevant to these prophecies about Peter and John is canvassed. The vexed issue of the dating of the book of Revelation is also touched upon. The hearer is challenged and encouraged to have a good attitude toward suffering and to resolve to experience the living Christ in a closer and more personal way, as John did.
When Jesus ... (Luke 7:11-17) 25/6/22 Sermonette by D Kidd
There is a wonderful glimpse of part of the glory and greatness of Jesus in the story of the widow of Nain.
Our Faithful God & His Remarkable Fulfillment of Prophecy For Israel 18/6/22 David Kidd
If you ever feel disrespected or discouraged as a Christian, hear about a great day when the people of God were highly respected. Hear about an incredible time of prophetic fulfillment in the scriptures that has been so neglected that many put the fulfillment of the prophecies in a time period way after their actual fulfillment. Hear how faithful God was to His people in the past and be encouraged to know you have a faithful God today who, to His glory and honour, will bring you glory and honour!
Due to prophecies in this sermon referring to Israel AND Judah returning from captivity in Babylon you may be interested in the scriptures confirming this did happen. For related articles, "Rebuilding Israel as one nation' and 'Israel in prophecy - God's promises to His chosen people' email
How to increase the quantity and quality of our spiritual conversations with those who don’t know Christ Pt3 11/6/22 David Kidd
How Jesus wants us to love Him (John 21:15-17) David Kidd
Four important questions are addressed in this sermon based on the story of Jesus asking Peter three times if he loved Him. Is there someone you have forgiven, but now also need to trust for it to be true forgiveness and restoration? Do you love Jesus more than anything? If you do, how does Jesus want you to express your love? Are you expressing it that way? *one minor correction - Peter put on his outer garment when he plunged into the sea.
Clash of Cultures 28/5/22 Ian Ingoe
The world generally and the different cultures of the world have their own culture and vision of how life should be. Ian presents the true Christian culture and the high vision of the God and life that comes with it. Christians are exhorted not to be tainted by the culture of the world, but rather to reach those caught by it.
How to increase the quantity and quality of our spiritual conversations with those who don’t know Christ Pt2 David Kidd 21/5/22
If you thought evangelism was for a special person annointed with the gift of evangelism, think again! The teachings in this sermon (based on Doug Pollock's God Space available on Youtube) will open up to every believer a fruitful ministry in helping people move closer to Christ. Email for handout.
How to increase the quantity and quality of our spiritual conversations with non-Christians. 14/5/22 David Kidd
Jesus knew how to engage people in deep spiritual ways. He had a heart for people who were far from God. So did the apostle Paul. How man significant or deep spiritual conversations this year have each of us had with people who are not yet followers of Christ? This sermon and sermons following aim to equip us to be a positive spiritual influence in the lives of others to the glory of God. (Useful evangelistic training materials from Doug Pollock and Godspace shared)
The Immovable Anchor of the Word John 21:7-14 7/5/22 David Kidd
Do you want to be strong in the Lord? Do you always want to be strong in the Lord? If so, the Word of God needs to be a great anchor in your life. Be inspired by this message on John 21:7-14 to have the Word as your deep anchor. It’s all scripture that is given by inspiration of God, not all sermons, not all Christian books, not all your favourite Youtube clips – it’s scripture, holy scripture. May it become much more important in your lives, while other things become less.
Staying on Mission and Reaping an Abundance John 21:1-6 23/4/22 David Kidd
After seeing Jesus alive from the dead twice, being commissioned by Christ and Christ empowering them by breathing the Holy Spirit on them, the disciples were found fishing all night without a fish to their name. Were they waiting obediently in Galilee for further directions from Christ or had they gone off mission?. What anchors do you have to keep you on mission for Christ and to reap an abundance?
Jesus Last Word from the Cross - Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit 16/4/22 David Kidd
Jesus last words were wonderful words of entrustment to God. What will be your last words, actions or thoughts? If they are sinful, will that mean you will miss out on the Kingdom of God? Entrust everything to God and be victorious, as Christ was!
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" - Meditating on scripture 9/4/22 David Kidd
Come and taste Jesus' words of forgiveness afresh like fine wine!
* At about 14 mins in, Psalm 22:24 is referred to saying 'Nor has he hidden His face from Him' (in relation to Jesus being on the cross). This seems to be a prophecy of Jesus' experience on the cross. The word 'not' was accidentally left out by the preacher in the sentence 'Father had ... hidden his face from Him'.
Self-Examination & The Lord's Supper 26/3/22 David Kidd
1 Corinthians 11:27-32 NKJV 27 Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. 30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. 31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.
We all must stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account to God (Romans 14:10-12). Will that day be a day of sore regrets or pure joy? By the end of this sermon you will be convicted about how closely you are following the path of a true Christian.
Trusting God When We Don't Understand Why 19/2/22 David Kidd
God's military strategy for defeating Jericho would have been difficult for the Israelites to fathom. However, the Israelites obeyed. Why? Why will we obey God when the things He wants from us are sometimes hard to understand?
Fasting: Serious action in serious times 12/3/22 David Kidd
Anna, an 84 year old prophetess served God day and night with prayer and fasting. In serious times David, Jehoshaphat, Nineveh, Nehemiah, Esther, Jesus and others fasted. The hearer is exhorted to be serious because God is and because we live in serious times.
The Day the Light went out 5/3/22 David Kidd
While Jesus was dying on the cross the sky went dark for three hours. The Bible and historians confirm this unusual event. Was this just a coincidence, or was it a sign of judgment from God? The good news is the light of Christ shines on to bring us light in this very dark world.
* correction: it appears the first born of Egypt died in 9th plague, whether son or daughter
Trusting God and Overcoming Fear - Psalm 11 26/2/22 David Kidd
David couldn't believe it when they told him to flee like a bird to a mountain because of wicked plans against him. He said, "In the Lord I put my trust." If you have fears about anything, Psalm 11 expounded in this sermon can strengthen you. As Christians we need to be courageous because what will we do if the foundations of our society are destroyed by the wicked?
New Strength - Samson's story 19/2/22 David Kidd
Discover how we can relate to a man and learn from a man who's violence will absolutely shock us. This man, Samson, had great strength, but lost it in dramatic circumstances. However, he regained it. Find out how, and find new strength for what ever area of your life you need to be strengthened in.
What was eating Jesus? 12/2/22 David Kidd
How's your prayer life? Are you a house of prayer?
Friend of sinners 5/2/22 David Kidd
Jesus is here for you as a friend no matter how much you feel you have sinned against God. As Christians we often fail miserably at imitating Jesus in being a friend of sinners. The church is small because we are not very good at communicating the good news with people. Be inspired and equipped as you hear this sermon and respond to the call.
Recommended Doug Pollock God Space and workshops at
The People God Blesses 29/1/22 David Kidd
Will your life be the life that God blesses? Will your heart be the heart that God blesses? Be challenged by three of Jesus' beatitudes.
Committed to discipleship - David Kidd
Australian church convention sermon
Jesus is in Control - We have hope!
You will marvel at how Christ was so provocative in a dangerous world, yet was not even arrested or beaten up once until His appointed time came to die for our sins in perfect fulfillment of the Passover type. He was surely in total control. If you allow Him to control your life you have an everlasting joyous hope.
Encountering the Risen Christ - Are you like the Apostle Thomas?
Has the Apostle Thomas got a 'bad rap'? Be inspired by Thomas in a way that could change your relationship with God and the people around you forever.
Encountering the Risen Jesus: Adjusting to the NEW NORMAL and Thriving 4/12/21 David Kidd
Hear some important lessons we as Christians living through Covid-19 times must learn from the disciples facing their new normal post-resurrection.
Prayer and Prophecy - Daniel Nine 27/11/21 David Kidd
In explaining most of Daniel chapter nine and how the prophetic answer to Daniel's prayer specifically relates to the prayer, the hearer will come to better understand this great prophecy about Messiah and be encouraged to be greatly beloved by God as men and women of prayer.
Archaeology Confirms Our Trust in Jesus and the Word 20/11/21 David Kidd
Enjoy hearing about a panorama of surprising ancient archaeological finds which point to the trustworthiness of the Bible and eternal hope in Christ.
Stop Clinging - Just Go & Continue Christ's Mission 6/11/21 David Kidd
Jesus said to Mary Magdalene, "Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father. But go to my brethren and say to them I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to My God and your God". Who or what are we clinging to when Jesus really just wants us to go and testify of Him and CONTINUE HIS GREAT MISSION. If anyone is clinging to their past or resentments and it is leading you into bad habits such as drinking or gambling and taking you away from the mission, I believe a portion of this message will speak to your heart.
When One Word Changed Everything For Mary Magdalene (John 20:16) 30/10/21 David Kidd
There are words we need to speak or hear that can change everything. It was hearing her name spoken by Jesus that changed everything for her. Rejoice with Mary over the resurrection of Jesus and learn to rejoice with those closest to you for the sake of more intimate and lasting relationships with them.
True Christian Fellowship & Unity Till Death Do Us Part 23/10/21 David Kidd
In light of the serious challenges of Covid-19, vaccination, mask wearing etc to church unity and peace and harmony in families and society in general, this is a 'must hear' message for all Christians.
Are you missing the presence of Jesus? (John 20:14-15) David Kidd 16/10/21
The One Thing That is Most Needed (John 20:10-13) David Kidd 9/10/21
This sermon will cause you to examine your relationships, priorities and Christian walk while discovering God's rich and tender mercies.
The Glory Of God on the Throne 31/7/21 Alaster Gibson
The marvellous glory of God and its implications for us are passionately preached by Alaster. God's is the kingdom, the power and the GLORY forever and ever.
Enjoying Your Sabbath Blessings 10/7/21 David Kidd
It may surprise the hearer to know God did some very important things on the seventh day. Yes, He rested, but what He actually did has important ramifications for Christians and non-Christians alike. This sermon will help the uninformed know why some Christians meet for church on Saturday instead of Sunday and it may inspire you to enjoy your Sabbath blessings for the first time. See the book Made for Man on this website for a more in depth look at the relevance of observing the 7th day Sabbath today. Various objections are addressed in this book.
Come and enjoy Sabbath services with us every Saturday from 10.30 am.
Are You a True Disciple Bearing the Cross of Christ? 3/7/21 Ian Ingoe
Ian preaches about the true meaning of being a disciple of Christ while openly sharing personal challenges along the way. It's worth it, and there's no retirement!
The Gospel is Still Good News! - How are you responding to the gospel? 19/6/21 David Kidd
As Christians, are we still appreciating the gospel, or has it lost it's shine for us? The gospel is still good news to us too. Let's keep responding to it with joy and in the way we live. If you have never responded to it through faith by making Jesus king of your life, may the preaching of the gospel in this sermon stir your heart to accept the salvation of God through Christ.
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Having Confidence & Courage in Life Through Christ - The Story of David & Goliath
Inspiration for having confidence and courage.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan - Your life's mission (Go and do likewise) David Kidd 5/6/21
If the Prime Minister of our country was lying unconscious on a railway track and you were there and did nothing to help her, you could not be convicted of anything. Israel's laws in Jesus' day were superior to ours. Such an obligation existed. However, a good legal system had not led to a good priesthood in Israel, Jesus was bringing in a new system. This sermon challenges the hearer as to whether they are more like the priests in the parable, or the Samaritan. Prepare to be challenged and to go and do what the Samaritan did!
How to approach the throne of God 30/5/21 Alaster Gibson
In this sermon Alaster passionately and informatively compares the old way to approach the throne with the new and living way.
Joel and the restoration of our lost years 22/5/21
David Kidd
Find victory over your regrets, laments and sins and restoration and compensation for your lost years. God promised restoration to His people for the years lost through 'locust' plagues. He is the same wonderful God today. (some distractions in the recording, but I am sure you will be glad if you persevere and hear the message through)
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins 15/5/21 David Kidd
Being fully prepared for the day that comes like a thief in the night.
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The 'How Wonderful' Sermon on Prayer - The parable of the friend in need David Kidd 8/5/21
A stirring encouragement to be persistent in prayer.
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Not Hearer's Only Ian Ingoe 24/4/21
Ian preaches about important things God requires of us. We can't just say 'Lord, Lord'.
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The Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers - A horror story to strengthen your faith (Matthew 21:33-46) 17/4/21 David Kidd
Horror movies are not recommended for the children of the light, but sometimes God brings us a horror story to help us avoid facing our own horror story on Judgment Day. This parable may read like a horror story to you, but the realities it pictures were even more horrific. The beauty of the parable for us though is it shows just how great Jesus is as a prophet. His predictions in this parable prove to be chillingly accurate. You will realize how trustworthy He and the Bible are.
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Micah and Inner peace 10/4/21 David Kidd
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Righteousness and Peace have Kissed (Psalm 85) 4/3/21 David Kidd
You've heard many say 'religion is the cause of most wars'. Find our why that is a lie. Find out the key to world peace and great peace in your own life.
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The Throne of God Pt3 - Alaster Gibson 27/3/21
The world is in a mess, yet God is on the throne. The good news is He has a full proof plan, so be encouraged by this extremely positive message.
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Keep Going Forward Ian Ingoe 20/3/21
When life’s circumstances seem tough remember God is with us and keep going forward.Ian is a visiting Seventh Day Baptist pastor with a passion for the poor, the lost and, as is seen in this sermon, for Christians to stand strong.
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The Same Sermon 13/3/21 David Kidd
This sermon is about the same Lord's Supper the disciples took on the same night Jesus was betrayed, It commemorates the same wonderful solution to the same sin problem we all have. We are to partake of it in the same thankful manner together at the same place and time till Jesus comes back in the same way He departed. The same serious warning the apostle Paul gave to the Corinthians applies, but the same invitation to examine ourselves for sin and to repent so that we can partake of the Supper is warmly given. The one thing that is not the same in 'The Same Sermon' is the Lord's Supper and the Passover. Nevertheless, the beautiful Passover type/shadow is compared with the Lord's Supper and the fulfillment of the Passover - Christ our Passover at the cross.
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The Parable of the Sower Pt2 6/3/21 David Kidd
Hear about the wonderful things the Word of God can do in your life and how to overcome the dangers along the path of the Christian life.
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The Parable of the Sower - Which ground are you on or in? Pt 1 David Kidd
Hear about the wonderful things the Word of God can do in your life and how to overcome the dangers along the path of the Christian life.
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The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (More than a 5G God) 15/2/21 David Kidd
Do you ever wonder what your reward will be in the Kingdom of Heaven because you've left all to follow Christ? If you are a latecomer to the faith or haven't taken that step yet, there's still hope for you to receive a full reward, but there's no greater reward than your more than 5G God!
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Jeremiah: Life Struggles & Narrow Way Choices 6/2/21 David Kidd
If you are struggling as a Christian or in life generally this sermon could make a powerful difference in your life!
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The Throne of God (Where it is) Alaster Gibson 30/1/21
Heaven is God's throne and Earth His footstool. The creative intelligence of God is extolled and the nonsense of Big Bang and Darwinian evolution exposed. Our response to Almighty God on the throne must be a poor and contrite spirit and trembling at His word.
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Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is Like (Parables of hidden treasure and pearl of great price) David Kidd 23/1/21
Appreciating the incredible value of the Kingdom of Heaven/Kingdom of God and of Christ and having that appreciation impact our lives forever.
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The Kingdom of Heaven is like … (Mustard seed and leaven parables) David Kidd 16/1/21
The glorious nature of the kingdom of heaven is beautifully shown in the mustard seed parable whilst its all reaching and all-encompassing nature is shown in the leaven parable. Jesus' kingdom set up at His first coming, as Daniel 2 reveals grows and lasts as all other world kingdom's fall around it. The response of Jesus' true disciples has always been 'repent for the kingdom of God is at hand'.
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The Parable of the Unjust Steward - Wise stewardship & fully impacting our generation for Christ David Kidd 9/1/21
Jesus told His disciples to imitate an unjust steward. Find out why.
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New & Better Paths - The parable of the old and new garment and wineskins David Kidd 19/12/20
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Ananias 28/11/20 Alaster Gibson
Lessons from the life of Ananias
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The Parable of the Two Sons David Kidd 21/11/20
A strong challenge to the professing Christian
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What Happens When Jesus Returns? David Kidd 14/11/20
Is what the scripture says loud and clear on this subject consistent with the theology you've been taught? The keys to being prepared are also shared.
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Adding AGAPE to Truly be the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World David Kidd 7/11/20
Born again believers have AGAPE and if we let it flow through every effort we will be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
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Apollos and Teachability - Alaster Gibson 30/10/20
How accurate is your knowledge of the Holy Scriptures? Are you still teachable or are you stuck in the rut of church traditions?
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What if There was no Wind? David KIdd 17/10/20
Would humankind survive if the wind stopped forever? How well will we fare as believers if we quench the wind of the Holy Spirit?
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Silas - A Faithful Brother Alaster Gibson 26/9/20
A highly informative, inspirational and moving sermon about the life of a very faithful man of God
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Adding Godliness Diligently David Kidd 19/9/20
A sermon to challenge any churchgoer or Christian. Do you have ‘godliness with power’?
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Adding Perseverance - The Perseverance of Job David Kidd 12/9/20
Find out the key to persevering as a Christian.
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Reasons for Faith, Hope & Perseverance Pt1 David Kidd
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Important Steps of Growth in the Christian Life Pt2 - Adding knowledge to virtue 8/8/20 David Kidd
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Reasons for faith, hope and perseverence Pt2 David Kidd 18/7/20
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Adjustments because of love Hebrews 13 4/7/20
Do you need to make adjustments because of love for God?
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Motivation to Serve God Acceptably Hebrews 12:18-31 20/6/20
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Pursuing Peace and Holiness Hebrews 12:14-17 13/6/20
Do you want to see God? Watch this. Do you want inner peace, peace with others and with God? Watch this. Is it time to let bitterness go? Watch this sermon. The importance of pursuing peace and holiness is stressed through the lens of Jacob and Esau's story. Since Esau was described as a profane person, the meaning of what it means to be profane and to profane the name of God is also considered as a side issue.
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What lessons God would have us learn from this Covid19 tragedy.
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A Dying Saviour
Does having a dying saviour seem strange to you? Jesus was a dying saviour. When you think about it, it's not really so unusual. However, there's something much more unusual about Jesus. If you believe it, it will fill your life with hope and joy like never before.
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A Special Message for my Unconverted Family and Friends
With this pandemic shaking our world and coinciding with the time of the year we remember the most celebrated event in world history I beg your indulgence to hear this message of hope from my heart to you.
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Prayer overcomes worry
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Rejoicing through trials
New Zealand has gone into lock down. The number of corona virus infections is skyrocketing. These are testing times, just as they were for the church in Smyrna in Revelation 2:8-11. They were told not to fear the things they were about to suffer. By considering their situation we can be strengthened and find reasons to rejoice through our testing ordeal which has just begun.
The Apostle Paul was so shocked at the Corinthians’ behaviour, he could not even bring himself to call what they were doing ‘The Lord’s Supper’. This sermon shows how sacred taking the bread and the wine is for Christians and just how serious taking it unworthily is.
Is the Corona Virus a sign of the the end of the world? This sermon speaks to that issue. Some of the New Testament scriptures about ‘watching’ are considered and they define what watching in a biblical sense really means. They all point to watching meaning to stay awake and alert spiritually or being ready for the Lord’s coming. Even Matthew 24 defines it in the same way. However, there are two serious events referred to in Matthew 24 – firstly, the destruction of the temple, Jerusalem and Israel and secondly, the Second Coming. The first event was indicated by many signs which that generation were to heed and which the Christians thankfully did heed. The second event, as in the days of Noah, comes as a thief in the night. No one knows the hour, day, month or year a thief is coming and there are no signs to indicate such either. Similarly with Christ’s second coming, all we can do is to stay spiritually awake watching we are ready, and then we have nothing to fear.
The year was approximately 25 A.D. The place was near Nazareth. The same message and the same principle shared in John 1:43-51 is relevant to us today. If we keep our distance from Jesus we’ll miss the blessing. Nathanael, if he had not put aside his scepticism of anything good coming out of Nazareth, he would have missed the greatest blessing of meeting Jesus. Unbelievers have great scepticism, but so too do believers in some ways. Let’s lay it all aside, and as Nathanael did – come and see!
Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so greater a cloud of [faithful] witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”. There are many weights and sins that hold us back as Christians in our walk of faith. What do we need to lay aside that’s hindering our Christian life and church so we can endure and flourish as Christians and as the body of Christ till the end?
The men and women listed and whose faith is testified of in Hebrews 11 are destined for the heavenly city, the city whose builder and maker is God. Find out if you have the same kind of faith they had, the faith that really counts, that will see you through to the heavenly city.
What if you as a Christian or a loved one (also a Christian) backslid into a deliberately sinful lifestyle rejecting the way but afterwards repented and sincerely walked the Christian path again? Are you or your loved one doomed because you backslid for a time? This sermon brings the serious warning for Christians deliberately sinning, but also brings instruction, hope and encouragement for the truly repentant.
The sermon explores what the apostle Paul meant by being all thing to all men in order to save some. This extraordinary endeavour requires extraordinary measures. As Christians, we are challenged to consider whether we are so separate and apart from unbelievers that we are hardly able to connect with them or whether we are so worldly that unbelievers don’t see we have anything different to offer. May it be encouraging to you to hear of Jesus’ extraordinary endeavour to save all who will believe in Him and the extraordinary measures he engaged in to do so.
Through the story of Sarai and Hagar bro. Lynch on holiday from Boston beautifully shows us how our God looks upon us with compassionate eyes.
How loyal is your heart to friends, family, brethren and your God and Saviour? Are you more loyal than a dog is to its master? Hear about the praiseworthy loyalty of David, Jesus and our Father God and be challenged to commit to a higher level of loyalty.
Last time we saw a sense in which the First/Old Covenant, although made obsolete at the cross, was still in the process of becoming obsolete. Likewise, our old selves were declared obsolete when we were born again and received the benefits of the cross, yet there is a sense in which we are still becoming obsolete. There is still a war going on between our new spiritual self and our old carnal self. The battle is described and the way to victory explained. Finally, the Hebrews were told the first covenant was ready to vanish away and this happened when the workplace of the priestly mediators of that covenant (the Jerusalem temple) was desecrated and destroyed, when Jerusalem was destroyed and Israel’s people scattered to all nations just as Jesus prophesied in Luke 21. The good news for us is there will be no more obsoleteness in us the day Jesus returns and this mortal puts on immortality. Death will be obsolete, sorrow will be obsolete and pain will be no more!
Are you ever made to feel obsolete or do you have a tendency to hold on to obsolete things, rather than going for the new superior model? In Hebrews 8:13 we read that the Mosaic covenant was made obsolete, was becoming obsolete and was about to vanish away. Just as the first/old covenant was made obsolete, the old self of the Christian has been made obsolete. The listener is invited to accept Christ so they will never become obsolete, to fully embrace their new creation status in Christ and to fully embrace the New Covenant and it’s more powerful operating system, no longer holding on to obsolete Old Testament practices which no longer apply in this glorious post-cross time of reformation.
Why has Jesus not returned yet to put an end to the wickedness and pain in the world? It’s because of His goodness, forbearance and patience. It’s because He’s not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. The sermon below illustrates the goodness of God, especially how it is revealed through the Gospel. May the goodness of God lead you to repentance and everlasting life!.
In the sermon below, Alaster brings some very interesting insights regarding the holiness of the name of God, some things many of us may never have heard before. We are encouraged as God’s ambassadors to bring glory to God’s name by living lives that bring honour to Him and by not misusing God’s personal name. After hearing this sermon, your hallelujah may never be the same again!
Hebrews 7 & 8 mention three major changes the Hebrews were experiencing in their world, a change in priesthood, a change in law and a change in covenant. Their tradition associated with each of these areas went back about 14 centuries. Of course not all of them would have come to terms with these changes so easily. Nor do we easily come to terms with significant change in our lives, even if it is change for the better, as indeed it was for the Hebrews. This sermon causes us to reflect on change in our lives and whether we are embracing change for the better. The listener is also encouraged to fully embrace the wonderful change Jesus brings.
If there is one book in the world you would like to understand better, would it be ‘the Bible’? Would you like to know your eternal destiny? Would you like to better know God’s will and plan for your life and the world? If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, then this sermon should be of great interest to you. This sermon looks at two very important keys to opening the meaning of the Bible. Thanks be to God for the incredible light He has shone by giving us Jesus, the New Testament and the Holy Spirit. Things that eye has not seen, nor ear has heard have now been revealed to us!
Hear about the God who makes promises to man! Be encouraged by the God who keeps His promises to man and who even swore an oath to keep His promises.The fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham show how great His faithfulness is to humanity. We hope you will be greatly encouraged by the sermon below God’s committed to you - You have a soul anchor. (Correction: note Sarah was 90 when she bore Isaac. The preacher accidentally said she was 100)
The sermon below is very provocative, and deliberately so. It causes us to think about the true meaning of worship. Alaster attempts to show there is a distinction between worship and praise. His deep concern is that in the contemporary church this has become blurred. Alaster considers that Psalm 95:1-6 beautifully distinguishes the two and shows how singing, praise and thanksgiving lead us into worship, with bowing down before God being the truest expression of worship. In case the hearer of this message gets the wrong impression, Alaster is passionate about singing and praising with musical instruments to the glory of God.
Accepting ourselves. Accepting others. Being accepted by others. Being accepted by God. Accepting God. This is our whole lives. The Bible has all the answers to our acceptance issues. (*audio is a bit quiet on this one, sorry)
The Old Testament prophet Nahum wrote about the incredible downfall of the ancient city of Nineveh. His writings have proven to be historically accurate, thus giving support to the Bible being a history book we can trust. The question for us though is whether Nahum was only writing history, or was he inspired by God to give a chillingly accurate prophecy that has implications for our lives?
The Son of David's (Christ's) destiny was sealed before he was born to Mary. His suffering on the cross was written of centuries before it happened. The Bible is a modern day miracle or wonder. Fall deeply in love with God as you admire the genius of His holy Word in the Psalm of the Cross.
Being a Christian is about growing to be more and more like Jesus Christ. Jesus really loved people, and He was a very friendly, inviting and enthusiastic person during His short time on this earth. May hearing about Jesus' joyful interactions with Zacchaeus and others inspire friendliness and great friendships in your life.
Was Jesus born on December 25? Exactly when Jesus was born is surprisingly not as clear as one might think. A far bigger question for us though is whether Jesus has been born in us. The Apostle Paul's serious concern for the Christians of Galatia falling from grace emphasizes the great importance of Christ truly being formed in us.
We are faced with important decisions everyday for which we seek guidance. We seek the guidance of a higher power. We seek God's guidance. Many seek guidance in ways that are often superstitious. A form of superstition has also crept into the way Christians commonly seek God's guidance. This sermon shares biblical truths from Derek Tindall's book How Does God Guide which will plant your feet on solid ground when it comes to making good decisions in everyday life.
Jesus warned there would be many false prophets and that many would be deceived. Jesus said if the blind lead the blind both would fall into the ditch. There are so many different interpretations of Bible prophecy. How can we guard against Bible prophecy being a salvation issue in our own lives?
Email if you would like to know where our church services are held, or see Contact page. Edited versions of our services are now being posted here regularly.
Church of God’s Love (Church of God 7th Day NZ) would love to expand beyond Tauranga. If you live in the North Island of NZ and are interested in helping us establish a church in your area we would love to hear from you and would love to support you in building a branch if we share the common vision of building a church intensely focused on Jesus Christ and the gospel meeting on Sabbath. We rely on no other founding prophet’s writings, just the Bible and the Bible alone. If you are not interested in forming a branch of our church, but have a similar vision for your church to us, it would be great to hear from you and establish a close connection/bond.