Do you wonder what God thinks of a nation where:
. prostitutes receive wage subsidies and tax deductions for their ‘services’
. many behave indecently with children (including parents and some priests falsely claiming to be
His representatives)
. very racist attitudes towards Maori are commonly held
. the nation’s leader set an ‘example’ of mothering children unwed
. children questioning their gender likely far exceeds anything ever seen
in human history, bar a few other countries today, and our policies deliberately foster this?
. the majority of people are more passionate about rugby, or other things, than Him?
. it’s never been easier to terminate the life of a baby in the womb
. people can be imprisoned for three years under the CPP Act for just trying to help someone
(including their own children) actually wanting and requesting assistance with being ‘straight’,
whilst people, including school teachers, are empowered to manipulate children in the other
direction with little fear of sanction?
Thankfully, God’s thoughts toward us are still loving and compassionate thoughts. Thankfully, through the Bible He has shown us a better way, a way that avoids the physical, mental and spiritual harm associated with the things above, a way that would see the nation needing to invest far less in social and mental health services. Thankfully, He has still given our nation time to turn to Him and to be guided by His wise, loving and holy Word.